
A  B  C  D  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  P  R  S  T  U  W  Y 

  • Kelly Ritter

    Title: School Chair, Professor of Writing and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Philip Auslander

    Title: Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 365

  • Heidi Biggs

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Jay Bolter

    Title: Professor and Director of Computational Media

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 317

  • Andre Brock

    Title: Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Rebecca Burnett

    Title: Professor Emerita

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Victoria Chang

    Title: Professor, Director of the Poetry@Tech Program, and Margaret T. and Henry C. Bourne Chair

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 028, Poetry@Tech

  • Dori Coblentz

    Title: Lecturer of Technical Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 307

  • Carol Colatrella

    Title: Professor & Co-Director, WST Center

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 364

  • T. Hugh Crawford

    Title: Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Angela Dalle Vacche

    Title: Professor Emerita

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 344

  • Rachel Dean-Ruzicka

    Title: Senior Lecturer

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles Classroom Building

  • Travis Denton

    Title: Academic Professional and Associate Director of Poetry @ Tech

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Nihad M. Farooq

    Title: Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 358

  • Ute Fischer

    Title: Research Scientist II

    Office Phone: (404) 894-7627

    Office Location: Skiles 347

  • Melissa Foulger

    Title: Artistic Director, DramaTech Theatre

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 312 or DramaTech

  • Andy Frazee

    Title: Principal Academic Professional and Director of Writing and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Stephen C. Hall Building 112

  • Leila Gholami

    Title: Visiting Lecturer

    Office Phone: 470-662-0297

    Office Location: Stephen C. Hall

  • Matthew Halm

    Title: Visiting Lecturer

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Narin Hassan

    Title: Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 363

  • Jillann Hertel

    Title: Creative Director, CoLab Director & Arts Faculty

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Bentley Heyman

    Title: Lecturer

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Courtney Hoffman

    Title: Academic Professional for Undergraduate Research Writing

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 362

  • Noura Howell

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Melissa Ianetta

    Title: Class of 1958 Professor in Communication and Executive Director of Writing and Communication

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Caitlin Kelly

    Title: Academic Professional and Director, Naugle Communication Center

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Kenneth Knoespel

    Title: Professor Emeritus

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old CE Building 116

  • Yeqing Kong

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles Classroom Building

  • Mike Lehman

    Title: Visiting Lecturer

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Mark Leibert

    Title: Professor of the Practice

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 341

  • Blake Leland

    Title: Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 322

  • Yanni Loukissas

    Title: Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 318A

  • Brian Magerko

    Title: Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Digital Media

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 319

  • Kristi McKim

    Title: Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Susana Morris

    Title: Associate Professor and Associate Chair

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 342

  • Janet Murray

    Title: Distinguished Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 320A

  • Nancy Nersessian

    Title: Regents' Professor Emerita

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Michael Nitsche

    Title: Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 316B

  • Daniel Phelps

    Title: Lecturer

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • JC Reilly

    Title: Atlanta Review Editor and Director of Creative Writing Curricula

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 332

  • Jacqueline Jones Royster

    Title: Professor Emerita

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Old Civil Engineering (OCE) - G17

  • Aaron Santesso

    Title: Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Ryan Scheiding

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Carol Senf

    Title: Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 335B

  • Allegra Smith

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Shane Snyder

    Title: Visiting Lecturer

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Jay Telotte

    Title: Professor Emeritus

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 350

  • John Thornton

    Title: Principal Academic Professional and Director of Film and Media

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles 351

  • Milka Trajkova

    Title: Research Scientist II

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB - 316

  • Richard Utz

    Title: Interim Dean, Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Skiles

  • Qi Wang

    Title: Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Joycelyn Wilson

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Richmond Wong

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: TSRB 3rd Floor, Digital Media

  • Robert Wood

    Title: Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Jason Woodworth-Hou

    Title: Visiting Lecturer

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Lisa Yaszek

    Title: Regents Professor of Science Fiction Studies

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Ida Yoshinaga

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: