Michael Nitsche
- School of Literature, Media, and Communication
Dr. Michael Nitsche joined the School of Literature, Media, and Communication in 2004, and formed the Digital World & Image Group DWIG (http://dwig.lmc.gatech.edu/) shortly after. His research looks into digital spaces, where and how they intersect with physical environments. Combining video games, mobile technology, and digital performances, he experiments with borderline areas of digital and physical media. Michael holds a PhD in Architecture from the University of Cambridge and applies performance and craft to design new digital media and support human creativity. His work combines theoretical analysis and practical experiments and his collaborations include work with the National Film and Television School London, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, Turner Broadcasting, Alcatel Lucent, and others. His work has been supported by NSF, NEH, and industry grants. He is author of Video Game Spaces: Image, Play, and Structure in 3D Worlds (MIT Press, 2009), co-editor of The Machinima Reader (MIT Press, 2011) and has published on Human Computer Interaction, Game Studies, virtual worlds, digital performance, and machinima. Since 2015 he is co-editor for the Taylor&Francis journal Digital Creativity.
- Ph.D. Cambridge University
- M.Phil. Cambridge University
- M.A. Freie Universität Berlin
- Digital Media
- Media Studies
- Europe
- United States
- Creativity in Context
- Digital and Mixed Media
- Emerging Technologies - Innovation
- Media
- Performance
- Perspectives on technology
- LCC-2730: Construct-Moving Image
- LCC-3406: Video Production
- LCC-3843: Spec Topic-Communication
- LCC-4699: Undergraduate Research
- LCC-6215: Media Studies
- LCC-6312: Dsgn,Tech&Representation
- LCC-6650: Project Studio
- LCC-6800: Master's Project
- LCC-8823: Spec Top-Game Dsgn&Analy
- LMC-2698: Research Assistantship
- LMC-2730: Construct-Moving Image
- LMC-3262: Performance Studies
- LMC-3314: Tech of Representation
- LMC-4600: Seminar Perform Studies
- LMC-4699: Undergraduate Research
- LMC-4720: Interactive Narrative
- LMC-6213: Edu Applications New
- LMC-6310: The Computer Expressive
- LMC-6318: Experimental Media
- LMC-6650: Project Studio
- LMC-6800: DM MS Project Course
- LMC-8803: Special Topics