
“The role that LMC plays in the humanistic side of what our students take away from their Tech experience is more important than ever. ”

Steven W. McLaughlin, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs at Georgia Tech

Our Approach

Literature, Media, and Communication (LMC) defines new models of intellectual inquiry and practice that bring diverse humanistic perspectives to bear on technological invention and innovation. LMC researches and teaches how humanities shape and are shaped by science and technology. Faculty and students assess and inform technological and scientific change by creating, analyzing, and critiquing a broad range of media forms and cultural practices.


Faculty Highlight

Yanni Loukissas

"Learn to think in terms of data settings—defined by the contexts in which data are made and used—not simply data sets”

Student Highlight

Sarah Engel

"The CoLab has been a great resource for career development, and student media organizations have been a great way to make friends and add to my skillset. Show those engineers that liberal arts can’t be taken for granted!"

Alumni Highlight

Jessica Anderson

"It was difficult for me to find my bearings in Digital Media, but going through that process strengthened my ability to find my own direction in a professional environment that isn’t prescriptive."

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