Laura Grace Sears

Laura Grace Sears co-founded Mushaboom Studio with her sister, School of Economics graduate Katie Lynn Sears. At Mushaboom Studio, they help businesses create cohesive branding across their websites and marketing. This profile is part of our Ivan Allen College Alumni Founders story. 

1. Why are you passionate about this work?

I co-own Mushaboom Studio with my twin sister, Katie Lynn Sears (ECON 2018). Together, we create unique, cohesive brand visuals that make it easier to market and run your business. KL does brand and web design, and I do photography.

2. What was the most challenging aspect of starting a business, and how did you overcome it?

Inconsistency of incoming work is always a challenge. The pandemic wasn't easy on anyone, but it was especially rough as a business owner. I'm not sure we'll ever fully overcome the inconsistency — you just can't possibly overcome everything. However, consistent networking and marketing helps. Working on our business and marketing is a constant practice that we get better at as we go.

3. How does your company use technology?

We use technology constantly. We both built our computers to make working in the Adobe Suite faster. We use the Adobe Suite for creative work. KL custom codes Squarespace sites, and I use my Sony camera and their software Imaging Edge to shoot tethered to a screen. Obviously, there's the technology I use to light photo shoots. 

We use Dubsado to manage our clients, send out invoices, send reminder emails, and get contracts signed. We use Calendly to automate scheduling intro calls and meetings. We use QuickBooks for our accounting and taxes. I'm currently playing with Zapier to automate tracking our data. We use our phones, zoom, and social media constantly. 

I'm sure there's more, but that's just what we use daily.

4. How did your IAC degree help you succeed?

John Thornton's film classes were some of the most valuable parts of my education. He had us using cameras and the Adobe Suite hands-on, and he gave us production tools and systems that informed how I run projects today.

5. What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs at Ivan Allen College?

Use YouTube, Skillshare, and whatever resources you can to teach yourself how to do the things you really want to learn. And go do them. Try making a short film if you want to make a film, or code a game, or record music. Don't just lean on your teachers to decide your curriculum. Prioritize what you want to learn and follow the joy. Use assignments as excuses to try things. As an example, I talked professors into letting me turn essays into videos or super clips to practice editing.

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Profile Type
B.S. Literature, Media, and Communication, 2018
Co-founder, Mushaboom Studio