
“What LMC at Georgia Tech teaches and creates is absolutely essential if you care about our future. ”

Chaouki T. Abdallah, Executive Vice President for Research

Our Approach

Literature, Media, and Communication (LMC) defines new models of intellectual inquiry and practice that bring diverse humanistic perspectives to bear on technological invention and innovation. LMC researches and teaches how humanities shape and are shaped by science and technology. Faculty and students assess and inform technological and scientific change by creating, analyzing, and critiquing a broad range of media forms and cultural practices.


Faculty Highlight

Lisa Yaszek

From alien warrior queens to fighting housewives and heroic astronauts – In her latest book, The Future is Female!, Dr. Yaszek highlights stories written between the 1920s and the feminist movements of the 1970s.

Student Highlight

Daniel Otaigbe

He's always loved playing games, so being able to merge computer science at Georgia Tech and game development is perfect for him.

Alumni Highlight

Katie Lynn Sears

"Katie Lynn Sears studied Economics at Georgia Tech and made a habit of registering for LMC classes when she could. It was in an LMC class that Jillann Hertel encouraged her to pursue graphic design."

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