WST Lrn C dinner with Ms. Melissa Gerrior, Director, Women's Resource Center

September 23, 2024, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Stein study lounge

Dine with the new Director of the Georgia Tech Women's Resource Center Melissa Gerrior who will tell us about her career and share the many initiatives sponsored by the WRC.

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Recently appointed as the Director of the Georgia Tech Women's Resource Center, Melissa Gerrior graduated from Georgia Tech in 2010 with a BS in Science, Technology, and Culture. In 2014 she earned an M.Ed. in College Student Affairs Administration from the University of Georgia and in 2021-22 a Graduate Certificate in Women's Studies from the University of Georgia. Her previous position was Assistant Director, Women's Center & LGBTQ+ Programs and Care Case Manager, Georgia College and State University.

Contact For More Information

Carol Colatrella