Co-design Partners as Transformative Learners: Imagining Ideal Technology for Schools by Centering Speculative Relationships

Title: Co-design Partners as Transformative Learners: Imagining Ideal Technology for Schools by Centering Speculative Relationships
Format: Conference
Publication Date: May 2024
Published In: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24)
Publisher ACM
Ivan Allen College Contributors:
External Contributors: Michael Alan Chang, Thomas Breideband, Thomas M. Philip, Ashieda McKoy, Arturo Cortez, Sidney K. D'Mello

Michael Alan Chang, Richmond Y. Wong, Thomas Breideband, Thomas M. Philip, Ashieda McKoy, Arturo Cortez, and Sidney K. D'Mello. 2024. Co-design Partners as Transformative Learners: Imagining Ideal Technology for Schools by Centering Speculative Relationships. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24). Association for Computing Machinery.

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  • School of Literature, Media, and Communication