About Project
Learn more about the School of Literature, Media, and Communication (LMC) in our book, Humanistic Perspectives in a Technological World. This volume, a veritable narrative tour through the School of Literature, Media, and Communication, is first and foremost a communal effort by all the faculty who decided to contribute essays on how they provide humanistic perspectives in a technological world in their research, teaching, and service activities.
Richard Utz, Editor
Valerie B. Johnson, Assistant Editor
Travis Denton, Assistant Editor
Faculty Contributors
Richard Utz, Lauren Klein, Kenneth Knoespel, Brian Magerko, Carol Senf, Michael Nitsche, Jay David Bolter, T. Hugh Crawford, Qi Wang, Karen Head, Lisa Yaszek, Janet Murray, Nihad Farooq, Krystina Madej, Ian Bogost, Thomas Lux, Carol Colatrella, Anne Pollock, Blake Leland, Carl DiSalvo, Melissa Foulger, Aaron Santesso, Jay P. TelotteRebecca E. Burnett, Christopher Le Dantec, Philip Auslander, Robert E. Wood, TyAnna Herrington, John Thornton, Narin Hassan, Nassim JafariNaimi, Angela Dalle Vacche, Kathleen Ann Goonan, Lisa Dusenberry, Andy Frazee, Joy Robinson, Rebecca Weaver