General Questions
What are overloads and permits?
How may I request an overload or a permit for an LMC class?
Do LMC classes allow waitlisting?
Why do the number of seats change during registration?
In order to ensure that Computational Media and Literature, Media, and Communication students have access to classes which they need to complete degree requirements, we gradually increase the enrollments the first week of Registration as time tickets for all Georgia Tech students open up.
Help! I'm an LMC or CM major and need permits in other disciplines! How can I find out where to get them?
Please visit the departmental contact list on the registrar’s webpage.
Specific Courses Questions
When should I take ENGL 1102?
All students should plan to take ENGL 1102 the spring semester after they have passed ENGL 1101, when there are approximately 80 sections of ENGL 1102 available. In the fall semester, most seats in ENGL 1101 and 1102 are reserved for incoming freshmen.
How may I request an overload or permit for ENGL 1101 or 1102?
LMC does NOT issue overloads for ENGL 1101 or 1102. Please choose from among available seats for these classes. In spring semesters, the waitlist function is enabled for these classes.
Help! There are seats open in ENGL 1101 and 1102. Why can’t I register?
If the ENGL 1101 or 1102 class has a section labeled HP, those courses are reserved specifically for Honors Program students, and are not open to the general population. Additional sections are for special cohort populations, like the Explore LLC.
Why are some LMC 3403 courses major restricted?
Some LMC 3403 courses are about subjects that best suit the needs of a specific population. For instance, LMC 3403-BA1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are restricted to Business Administration sophomores, juniors, and seniors. We do not lift the major restriction for these sections.
How can I register for Undergraduate Research classes, LMC 4701 and 4702?
Students participating in the Research Option should register with the Undergraduate Research office before trying to add these classes. Please contact in the Undergraduate Research office for instructions about registration.
Additional Topics
I have a circumstance that hasn't been addressed in this FAQ list. To whom should I address my question?
Please contact with any questions related to ENGL or LMC classes not addressed on this page.