Hometown: Dunwoody, Georgia
Favorite class: Intro to Media Studies
Internships/clubs: Communications Intern at GT CoLab, Content Editor at The North Avenue Review (student magazine), Delta Phi Alpha (German National Honor Society). Past involvements: Excel Program mentor, FASET orientation leader, iGniTe summer program
Most helpful resource in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication: The CoLab of course! I’ve learned so much about writing, design, and professional development. Any LMC/CM student is welcome to visit!
1. Why did you choose to study in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at Georgia Tech?
I loved the idea of choosing threads and customizing the major to what you want it to be. The small class sizes and student/teacher ratio also gives you a small, liberal arts college vibe within a research university.
2. What’s the coolest research/project/initiative/event you’ve worked on in LMC?
All LMC projects are super cool. I especially enjoyed rebranding companies in my LMC 2700 (Principles of Visual Design) course and researching the evolution of female-oriented magazines in LMC 2400 (Introduction to Media Studies). Working in the CoLab and bringing LMC students together has also been very rewarding.
3. How does a degree from LMC contribute to your life plans?
I want to pursue something creative, perhaps in publishing, copywriting, or strategic communication. I think LMC has helped me to sharpen my media and communication skills, and my STEM experience will help me to market myself as a uniquely analytical, empathetic, and creative person.
4. What has been your biggest challenge at Georgia Tech, and how did you overcome it?
I struggled a little with coming out of my shell and trying new things. As an introvert who attended the same school for thirteen years, college was a huge transition. Surrounding myself with supportive friends, saying “yes” to as many opportunities as I could, and trying to not compare myself to others has helped me gain confidence and be more outgoing.
5. What is the biggest change you see in yourself now from when you started at Georgia Tech?
I’m more sure of myself and who I want to be. College has taught me that everyone is on their own path, so I should focus on being authentically me (rhyme not intended). Meeting new people and being exposed to all kinds of books, shows, media, etc., have helped me discover who I really am.
6. What is your greatest achievement since coming to Georgia Tech?
I take pride in the friends and memories I’ve made here. My academic record and extracurricular involvements are laudable, but it’s the home I’ve made for myself here at Tech that I’m most proud of.
7. What’s your favorite spot on campus and why?
I love old campus! Harrison Square near Tech Tower is so beautiful when the leaves change. It’s the perfect reading spot.
8. What has been your favorite/most memorable moment in LMC?
My favorite moments in LMC are the class discussions and conversations with professors I’ve had over the years. Topics have ranged from Icelandic rap and feminism to science fiction films and urban planning. Everyone in the School of LMC is so encouraging and passionate about learning.
9. What advice would you give to incoming students in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication?
Take advantage of all that Georgia Tech has to offer! In my case, the CoLab has been a great resource for career development, and student media organizations have been a great way to make friends and add to my skillset. Show those engineers that liberal arts can’t be taken for granted!

Sarah Engel
Profile Type: Student
Degree: B.S. Literature, Media, and Communication, B.S. Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies (German)