Featured Student: Jenny Zhou

Jenny Zhou


My name is Jenny Zhou and I'm a third-year in Computational Media at Georgia Tech. I'm passionate about the different ways that art and STEM intertwine to create a variety of forms of communication. I love how my major, Computational Media, combines Computer Science with Literature, Media, and Communication. I'm especially interested in film and animation, and many of my LMC courses helped me foster and explore my interests through the history and form of film as well as through visual design.



Personal Project: Things To Do While Social Distancing

About Project

"Things To Do While Social Distancing" is a short 2D animated video of my dog demonstrating some of the things that people could do during the pandemic that I animated Spring 2020.

In Collaboration

Kevin Qian (Narration)

Personal Projects: Paintings & Digital Paintings

Blurb / Gallery Set

Oil Painting

Digital Painting

Digital Painting

Class Project: Mouse(House)

Blurb / Gallery Set


Mark Leibert - LMC 3402

About Project

Mouse(House) is a storyboard project that I created for LMC 3402 about a mouse with social anxiety. The story follows the main character on an adventure filled with self-discovery and new friendships. This is an ongoing project that I have continued after completing the course and in the future, I hope to turn the storyboards into an animated short film.
