Alumni Overview

B.S. Computational Media students smiling in group at the Georgia Tech Commencement ceremony.

In 1890, Georgia Tech’s first two graduates, Henry L. Smith and George G. Crawford, had completed a rigorous curriculum that included English as compulsory in every year of their education. The Board felt that to be on par with lawyers, doctors, and other professionals of the era, engineers required a well-rounded education in which they learned about the world as well as their specialty.

Today, Georgia Tech offers a vast selection of literature, media, and communication courses. And the most exciting part? We have our own thriving School with majors and programs that you helped to build. As alumni, you are ambassadors to the importance of the arts and humanities to culture, to technology, and to human progress. Check out how far we've come as a school.

“Starting out as a CS student at Georgia Tech, I didn't think there was a home for my interdisciplinary interests. When I stumbled on the LMC programs, I did not hesitate to change majors. Twelve years later, I've continued to draw from my experience at LMC and have established a story lab program at Cartoon Network Studios in Los Angeles. I'm building small teams of artists, designers, and programmers to prototype interactive, narrative-driven experiences against emerging technology. How I've modeled this program is largely inspired by my own time and studies at LMC. ”

Ryan Harwell, STC 2006


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For any and all thigns alumni-related, feel free to reach out to IAC Director of Alumni Engagement Colleen Cox.

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